- The place where you will stay is a rental house. Extra cleaning is available upon request
at 50% discount. With extra cleaning; sheets, linen and towel sets will be changed.
- Smoking is not allowed in the flat. An extra cleaning fee of 100 Euros is charged to the
guest who is found to be smoking.
- Pool clothes should be only used in and around the pool.
- Flat check-in time is 14.00 and check-out time is 12:00.
- Only the number of guests specified at the reservation stage can stay. Accommodation is
available for an extra fee, subject to availability.
- Towels are provided for the bathroom. It cannot be used as a beach towel. Beach towels
must be provided by the guests themselves.
- Alcohol consumption is prohibited in the common areas of the site.
- Except for garbage cans, door fronts, etc. It is forbidden to leave garbage on the
- It is forbidden to listen to loud music or to speak loudly in a way that disturbs others in
the site.
- The entrance hours to the pool are between 09.00-21.30
- Garbage pickup time 09.00 to 10.00 am
- The guest is obliged to pay the expenses of the damages caused by the guest and the
damages to the belongings during the stay.
- The places of the items in the flat cannot be changed, they cannot be taken out and
cannot be brought from outside.
We will be happy if you write your good comments and experiences on
Wishing you a happy holiday.
For more stay options: www.antalyasuites.com